In the pharmaceutical industry, customer complaints, although indicating that the brand\'s products or services have not met their expectations and satisfied their needs, also signify that customers still have expectations and hope for the brand to improve its products or enhance its service level. When customers complain, it should not be seen as a problem but as a golden opportunity.
08-22 / 2011
Since 2010, with the implementation of various institutional reforms under the new healthcare reform, the impact on all aspects of the pharmaceutical industry has become evident. The exploratory phase of public hospital reform, the continuous adjustments in essential drug bidding, distribution, and a series of major changes in the pharmaceutical distribution sector led by the Ministry of Commerce have made it increasingly difficult for pharmaceutical marketing enterprises, with terminal development as their core focus, to make progress.
06-20 / 2011
Customers are valuable resources for pharmaceutical investment and trade enterprises. However, some companies focus solely on attracting new customers while neglecting the maintenance of existing ones.
06-20 / 2011